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United Kingdom

Modern slavery act policy

Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abhorrent abuse of human rights. The term ‘modern slavery’ is used to encapsulate the crimes of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. We are committed to the highest standards throughout our supply chain and we protect our employees from exploitation.

The aim of Associated Weavers & Invictus Luxury Vinyl Flooring is to identify our responsibility by alerting staff to the risk. Staff are expected to report concerns to the management where they are expected to act upon them.

Our organizational structure, business and supply chain

Associated Weavers (AW) is one of the biggest producers of tufted broadloom carpet in Europe as well as providing Invictus LVT to the U.K. The company is headquartered in Ronse, Belgium. Its main production site is at the same location.

Each year, our 630 dedicated employees produce and sell on average 26 million square meters of carpet, which translates into a turnover of around 172 million euros. We export to over 55 countries and have sales offices in the United Kingdom and Germany. We keep a close watch on style trends and technical innovations in interior decoration and textiles, and succeed in developing and marketing creative, contemporary and innovative carpet.


Our internal procedures contribute to ensuring that modern slavery does not occur in our business. Our employment and recruitment practices comply with both local and UK employment laws, such as:

  • Providing all employees with contracts of employment,
  • Ensuring all employees are of legal working age,
  • Employees are rewarded with market-related pay and rewards.

Supply Chain

Associated Weavers & Invictus Flooring have has a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and operates its business lawfully, ethically and with integrity, which includes working with suppliers that have the same values. We expect that our suppliers respect the human rights of each individual and responsibly manage the environmental and safety impacts of products.

All suppliers must:

  • Have policies, systems and procedures in place to ensure the prevention of unethical business practices including human rights abuses, fraud, bribery, corruption and other improper payments,
  • Not use slave labour, child labour, forced labour and not engage in or support human trafficking,
  • Ensure that working hours, wages, overtime pay and working conditions comply with all applicable laws,
  • Provide a clean, safe and healthy working environment to protect the safety of all employees.

We monitor and help reduce the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking by building relationships and a more resilient supply chain.

Actions taken

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain and our business, all Directors have been briefed on the subject.


This statement has been approved by our Managing Director who will review and update it annually and ensure compliance is followed.