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The pursuit of sustainable enterprise in general, and environment-friendly production in particular, is deeply anchored in AW’s business strategy.

Over the past years, AW has succeeded in reducing its ecological footprint considerably. Its production processes are aimed at significantly reducing energy consumption and waste and also ensuring efficient (re)use of water. In addition, AW uses green energy from its on-site solar plant.

AW actively contributes to raising consumer awareness by developing products made with responsibly sourced materials, such as Sedna® carpet made with regenerated nylon and the recycled carpet backing ECO FusionBac. Our care for the environment is an ongoing process. By continuously taking initiatives and adjusting processes, we move forward. Sustaining our planet one thread at a time.


Sedna® carpet is soft, luxurious and durable. It is made with ECONYL® regenerated nylon, a yarn made from recycled waste material such as old carpets and abandoned fishing nets collected from the bottom of the sea. Sedna® thus helps to save thousands of beautiful sea creatures like sea turtles, dolphins and seals that will no longer get stuck in this life-threatening waste.

Moreover, Sedna® carpet has an ECO FusionBac textile back, made from 100% recycled PET plastic bottles.

Sustaining our planet

The pursuit of sustainable enterprise in general, and environment-friendly production in particular, is deeply anchored in AW’s business strategy.

Over the past years, AW has succeeded in reducing its ecological footprint considerably.

Its production processes are aimed at significantly reducing energy consumption and waste and also ensuring efficient (re)use of water. In addition, AW uses green energy from its on-site solar plant. AW actively contributes to raising consumer awareness by developing products made with responsibly sourced materials, such as Sedna® carpet made with regenerated nylon and the recycled carpet backing ECO FusionBac.

Our care for the environment is an ongoing process. By continuously taking initiatives and adjusting processes, we move forward. Sustaining our planet one thread at a time.

We give energy to gain energy

As early as 2003, AW committed to the wide ranging measures of the ‘Flemish Covenant Energy Benchmarking’, leading to more energy efficient production processes.

In 2016, AW acceded to the ‘Energy Policy Agreement’ of the Flemish region where its plant is located, thus sustainably anchoring energy-efficiency as a driver of its business.

Besides continuous monitoring, AW’s energy policy focuses on investments in energy-efficiency measures such as heat recovery, relighting and the optimisation of steam generation. This enabled AW to reduce its energy consumption by 24% between 2015 and 2020.

AW also participates in the European Emissions Trading System. The company has already reduced its CO2 emissions by 25% in 5 years and will continue the process in the coming years.

We embrace solar power

AW has installed 12,000 photovoltaic solar panels on the 5.5-hectare roof area of its production plant in Ronse in Belgium. Some 75% of the panels’ production is used on-site, representing 20% of the company’s total electricity consumption. Thanks to these solar panels, 18,000 tonnes less CO2 will enter the atmosphere over a period of 20 years.
Life is not only for consumption but for contribution.
— Dr. Debasish Mridha

Waste prevention, no waste to waste

AW pursues a far-reaching waste prevention policy and is constantly looking for efficient solutions for the reuse and recycling of waste. Within the space of 5 years (2015-2020), AW succeeded in reducing the amount of waste it produced by 27%.

Most of the waste that cannot be avoided is treated by specialised waste processors and recycled into fibres, textiles and construction materials. Only a small amount of residual waste is turned into fuel for cement ovens and power stations.

Reduce, reuse, recycle content

Sustainability is at the heart of AW’s product development. The company is increasingly opting for recycled materials for its products, thus helping to raise awareness by encouraging consumers to make eco-conscious choices.

With its Sedna® brand, AW was the first to put super soft carpet made with Econyl® yarn on the market. Econyl® is a regenerated nylon yarn made from waste materials such as discarded fishing nets, old carpets and production waste.

Sedna® and Gaia® brand carpets are fitted with an ECO FusionBac textile backing made from 100% recycled PET plastic bottles.

We look out for you

Caring for the environment also means caring for you. As a production company located in the vicinity of a residential area, AW is conscious of the impact it has on its surroundings. There are ongoing consultations both with people living in the neighbourhood and with the local authorities, in a constant search for the best ways to limit possible nuisances.

For example, sound levels in the neighbourhood are measured regularly to check the performance of the soundinsulation installations. AW also installed a biofilter, which purifies the air emitted by the latex unit used to make carpet backing. The biofilter removes more than 80% of the odour from the treated air.

Innovating for a better tomorrow

Innovation is a core feature of AW’s strategy. The company takes part in various research projects, with the objective of making products and processes even more sustainable.

AW is also a member of ECRA (European Carpet and Rug Association) and actively contributes to the steps taken by the association to lead the carpet industry towards a circular economy.

You really can change the world if you care enough
— Marian Wright Edelman

Every drop counts


- Sylvia Earle, American marine biologist, oceanographer, explorer, author, and lecturer

Water is an essential raw material at AW, particularly for carpet printing. The company makes targeted investments and optimises production processes to reduce its water consumption sustainably. Raising awareness among AW’s teams also contributes greatly to reducing the amount of water used. These efforts have been successful: in 2020, the amount of water needed per square metre of carpet was already 21% lower than in 2015

Water Reduction

Our world

We all have a social responsibility. Everybody is playing their part. So are we.

Moving forward one thread at a time. Looking for opportunities to do better every day. Making our world of carpeting more sustainable. Contributing towards a better world to live in.